The Ghost-to-Ghost collection is a sorted list of Three Investigators related websites from around the world. Additions and updates are highlighted in red. Please contact me if you know of a site that is missing or if you find a broken link.

Forums, Clubs, etc.

Yahoo! Groups: Three Investigators Series - An email list for the discussion of anything in connection with The Three Investigators. Almost all up-to-date news regarding the series is posted here and it is currently the most active Three Investigators message board. An in-depth monthly book discussion has been occuring since August 2005. Founded by Eli Kutzko

The Jones Salvage Yard Forum - At one time, the most popular Three Investigators message board that, unfortunately, sees limited traffic these days. Still, it is a treasure trove of archived information with postings from fans worldwide. Founded by Avra Brahma & Maintained by Rick Keating Community - A discussion forum tied to the official site; intended as an alternative/compliment to the Jones Salvage Yard forum. Founded by Steven Bauer & Elizabeth Arthur

Yahoo! Clubs: Three Investigators Mysteries - A club for discussion on The Three Investigators. Founded by David Pyle

Three Investigators Webring - The original organized Three Investigators web presence; it currently lists seven active sites. Founded by April Prichard; RingMaster: Seth Smolinske

This page last updated on 23-Feb-06